Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How is it already Mid-August??

The past few weeks, the temperature has gone down which helps with our weed control in the garden.  We're making sure the garden is up to standard for the fall horticulture identification course. The class tours the garden while learning about and identifying perennials. The other big project we've undertaken is rebuilding the deck.  The old one rotted through in some places and had nails sticking up all over.  It was time for a new one!
This month we went to University of Minnesota-Morris for their horticulture night.  In comparison, they have more annuals than perennials.  We have more trees and height features.  Our group took some pictures. enjoy!

 before we left...twins!
At Morris' children garden section

New Bloomers!
 Globe Flower
 Joe-Pye Weed
 Russian Sage with low Sedum
 Pink Turtlehead
 Blanket Flower..blooms all summer!