Thursday, June 2, 2011


It feels like this week has been quite eventful.  On Monday, Dave and I were weeding when large drops of rain started coming down.  We didn't mind the rain so we kept on weeding.  Suddenly, as I'm leaning down to pull a thistle, I think to myself: This rain is coming down kinda hard.  Then I see the marble-sized hail balls bouncing on the ground!  The hail didn't last long, though.  
On Tuesday the Master Gardeners came out to plant their section.  Fencing had to be put up because the rabbits are chewing on our plants.

The Master Gardener section.

Garrett and Dave looking at the new tree Dave put in.

We added a lot of perennials on Tuesday.  Dave planted the plum and cherry trees as well.  On Wednesday we finally began mulching!!  I feel like I'm a bit more excited about it than Dave, but the garden looks so clean and the plants are more defined now that we have a lot of mulch laid out.  My arms felt like Jell-O by the end of the day from constantly shoveling and hauling the large wheelbarrow up the hill by the crab apple trees.  I was relieved to finally finish that dreadful hill on Thursday.
Other than that, this week has been filled with watering, watering, and some more watering.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Garret, Morgan and Alex for helping the Master Gardener site and the volunteers! It looks great! I am eager to see how the Gopher Adventures kids like it too.

    The area where the Master Gardeners planted used to be an ornamental grass collection. Before that, it was going to be the site of a house facade and be a demo site for sustainable design techniques for a residence.
